S.I. Rao, D.M. Dimiduk, T.A. Parthasarathy, J.A. El-Awady,C. Woodward, M.D. Uchic, “Calculations of Intersection Cross-Slip Activation Energies in FCC Metals Using Nudged Elastic Band Method”,Acta Materialia, 59(19):7135–7144, 2011.
S.I. Rao, D.M. Dimiduk, T.A. Parthasarathy, J.A. El-Awady,C. Woodward, M.D. Uchic, “Calculations of Intersection Cross-Slip Activation Energies in FCC Metals Using Nudged Elastic Band Method”,Acta Materialia, 59(19):7135–7144, 2011.